While she is old enough tobe addicted toappreciate screen time and apps, my son is still a little young to fully utilize them, so we’re looking for a mix of hands-on and screen-based activities. Thankfully, there are quite a few of both out there that can keep our kiddos occupied. I look for activities that will hold their attention for longer stretches and are low-cost. Here are a few I recommend...
5 Things I Hope My Children Learn From Growing A Vegetable Garden
4. Sharing food is a good way to meet neighbors.I haven’t yet gotten to the point this summer where we have enough excess that we are trying to give it away, but I purposely planted more tomato plants than we could devour on our own. In a world where everyone and their brother is on some Paleo or Whole 30 diet, the one food I know is always safe to give is vegetables. When the vegetables you have are low-cost and delicious (hint: heirloom tomatoes will beat store-bought every time), it makes it easy to share the love.
10 People Who Are My Everyday Heroes As A Parent of Young Kids
6. The binky/blanket/comfort item rescuers. You people. You people. So detail oriented. And it paid off when you saw my daughter’s binky drop from the diaper bag as we loaded her in the car. You have no idea, probably, but you just prevented a minor catastrophe. If I wasn’t currently covered in dried apple sauce, Goldfish crumbs and drool, I might hug you right now. Instead, I salute you, hero of the hour.
Intuition "I've learned how to survive with two kids at home while trying to get things done and allow myself enough time to breathe: it usually involves more-than-scientifically-recommended amounts of television and hefty amounts of Goldfish crackers. On these days, I have to try harder to ignore the voices that would shame me. I'm usually pretty good at shutting down the talk that would have me believe my identity should be wrapped up in a clean house, 100% organic meals, toned muscles and happy, well-behaved children who make papier-mache crafts on the daily. I'm just never going to be that person, and I'm ok with that."
The Village Magazine, April 2016
Secret Family Pancake Recipe: A Touch of Saturday Morning Love (Guest Post) "Growing up, pancakes were my parent’s go-to when we had enough time as a family to enjoy a slightly lazy Saturday morning breakfast. And these weren’t just from the box – oh no. This was a family recipe passed down from my grandmother, back several generations before food needed to be fast, packaged, boxed or frozen. Friends who slept over the night before were introduced to this slow, simple but delicious treat, often topped with maple syrup harvested from my grandfather’s maple trees in Northern Michigan. I still have at least one friend who uses this recipe to feed her own children!"
Trouvés Home Blog, February 2016
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