
Recipe: Rhubarb Sauce (on ice cream!)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Having grown up living in the same state as both sets of my own grandparents, I never really pictured what life would be like raising my own children three time zones away from theirs. We have been fortunate so far to have had grandparents visits several times since moving out here, but creating shared experiences between grandparents and grandchildren that keep bonds strong in the in between times can be difficult. One of my constant hopes is that my children will grow deep relationships with their grandparents despite the geographical distance.

I'm thankful to be living in an era of such technological advances as FaceTime, Google Hangouts and Skype, but I'm always open ears to other creative ways to connect the two generations. Packages in the mail seem to work well - my mother-in-law sends hand-sewn clothing, my sister-in-law sent several boxes of homemade spring treats, including delicious macaroons, my mom sends several occasional holiday-oriented goodies on Valentine's Day, Easter, and Halloween.

My daughter is now old enough to carry on a FaceTime conversation without much assistance from me, including bringing my phone into the bathroom with her, carefully setting it on the bathroom counter, and using the facilities as she carries on a conversation with my parents. Kids these days, I'll tell ya. After a recent FaceTime session which included sharing information on the status of their respective garden vegetables, my mom told my daughter that she would send her some of the rhubarb she had picked.

Within a couple days, we received a small box in the mail, rhubarb inside wrapped heavily in plastic wrap along with a postcard with instructions to my kids about how to make the rhubarb sauce to put over vanilla ice cream. 

As the package arrived on Friday afternoon, it made a perfect Saturday morning activity at home. Pictures and recipe below! What creative ways have you found to move beyond FaceTime connections with long distance parents or grandparents?

Step 1: Wash and cut rhubarb into small pieces - about 1-2 cups of cut rhubarb.
Step 2: Add 1/4 c water to saucepan, add rhubarb.

Step 3: Add 1/8-1/4 cup of sugar, and smile!
Step 4: Simmer all on low heat until rhubarb has thick, saucy consistency
about 10-20 minutes.
Step 5: Serve over ice cream. I know it doesn't look terribly appetizing in this
picture, but trust is!


  1. Great article! Love it! Love the pictures too! Thanks! - Now... how about sending me some California oranges? heh heh heh

  2. oh, and I love the name of your blog too - very cute!

  3. Great post, Catherine. Your kids have the best of grandparents, what a wonderful blessing for you and Mark.


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